Infant and Toddler Developmental Screenings

For Infants and Toddlers 0-3 Years of Age

Because  your child’s  first  years  are  so  important,  we  want  to  help  you  provide the  best  start  for  your  child.    Each  child  develops  at  his/her  own  pace,  but there  are  certain  milestones,  such  as  waving,  crawling,  cooing,  or  playing  that healthcare  professionals  expect  to  occur  within  a  certain  time-frame.

What Does a Developmental Screening Entail?

Your child  will  be  screened  by  a  Pediatric  Physical  Therapist,  Occupational Therapist  and  Speech  Therapist  to  observe  the  following:

  • Physical Skills: reaching, rolling, sitting,  crawling, standing and walking
  • Communication Skills: talking, listening,  understanding
  • Sensorial and Social/Emotional Skills: playing,  engaging  and  environmental interaction
  • Life skills: feeding,  sleeping, bathing, toileting

Why Is Early Intervention Important?

Early  intervention  can  make  a  drastic  change  in  adulthood  performance.  The earlier  your  child's  developmental  needs  are  addressed,  the  more  successful they  will  be  at  achieving  developmental  milestones  on  time.  Developmental problems  left  unaddressed  can  result  in  long-term  global  issues.  Many developmental  problems  and  delays  can  be  successfully  treated  if  they  are identified  early.

Developmental Red Flags

  • Child is intolerant or uncomfortable with tummy time 
  • Child avoids playing in side-lying position 
  • Child does not imitate parent
  • Child does not demonstrate facial expression 
  • Child Skipped Motor Milestones (rolling,  crawling)
  • Child does not understand what you’re telling them
  • Child does not look in the direction of something or someone named
  • Child does not engage with back and forth play (such as ball play or turn taking)

For more help in determining what skills are appropriate for what age, view these developmental milestones for ages two months to five years.

Insurance and Pricing

  • $75.00 (45 minute screening)
  • $50.00 (sibling of current client)
  • Most of our in-network insurances will cover a developmental screening without a doctor referral or prior authorization required

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