Health and Safety Procedures

Operation Status

How To Drop Off and Pick Up Your Child for Therapy

Pick up/Drop Off Procedures

Drop Off: Session start time

Pick up: 10 minutes prior to session end time (If child is receiving back to back services without time gap, please arrive 10 minutes prior to the end time of the last session)

Option 1: Parking Lot Drop Off (Preferred Method)

In order to keep our lobby occupancy low and limit unsafe congestion within certain areas of the clinic, our therapists will meet your children at your vehicle for drop-off at the start of their session.

Option 2: Lobby drop off

If your child needs assistance with using the restroom or is in need of a diaper change prior to the start of their session, you may enter the clinic to use the facilities and wash hands. Our lobby is still available to use while waiting to check in with your therapist, however, the occupancy of our lobby should not exceed 10 individuals. (If your child needs a diaper change during a session, our front desk staff will give you a call to return to the clinic.)

Pick Up:

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your child's scheduled end time to allow our therapists to safely bring your child to your vehicle for pick-up. This is also an opportunity for therapists to discuss with you your child's session outside of the loud environment that our clinic can sometimes provide. Our therapists will need the time afterward to clean equipment and rooms between clients.

Cleaning Procedures at Sprouts Therapy

All sessions will be ending 10 minutes prior to end time of last session to allow time for therapists to debrief with parents on child’s session as well as clean equipment between clients.

  • Clients and families may sanitize their hands or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after their sessions. Our staff will be expected to uphold this precaution as well.
  • All toys and equipment used during your child's session will be cleaned and disinfected.
  • We have drastically increased the frequency and extent of our daily cleaning, sanitization, and disinfecting procedures for therapy materials/toys, equipment, and treatment spaces. This includes all frequently touched surfaces, such as door knobs/handles, front desk counter, lobby furniture, etc. Cleaning and sanitizing will occur multiple times and will be ongoing throughout the day.
  • Cloth items such as blankets, body socks, stuffed animals, cuddle/cocoon swings, weighted vests, crash pad covers, etc. are disinfected via a sanitizing fogger and/or machine washed on a regular basis.

Face Mask Requirements at Sprouts Therapy

Masks will now be optional at Sprouts Therapy for therapists, staff, children and parents/caregivers.

  • Please inform the administrative team if you would like your therapist(s) to continue wearing a mask in your child’s therapy sessions.
  • Our clinic has recently installed air cleaners and filters in our facility's air ducts and will maintain the sanitization and disinfecting protocols enacted at the start of the pandemic in continuing to promote a healthy and safe environment for everyone.
  • We will also continue to provide reserved therapy spaces with masked therapists for our immunocompromised and high-risk families.

Safety Guidelines at Sprouts Therapy

We want to continue to partner with our families to keep us all healthy and safe. Our clinic will continue to implement the following policies:

  • Children with compromised immune and respiratory systems may require special accommodations. Please be in communication with us if your child has the above condition(s).

  • Should a child begin showing symptoms during a session, parent will be notified and the session may end early.


  • May not resume in-clinic sessions until all the following conditions have been met:
  • 5 days have passed since symptoms started (or since test date, if client had no symptoms) and
  • 24 hours have passed with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and
  • Symptoms have improved and
  • Client is able to wear a mask for 10 full days since symptoms started (or since test date, if client had no symptoms)

CLIENTS WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED (within 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (regardless of mask use)

  • Client can attend in-clinic sessions if they have tested negative for COVID-19 and are symptom free. Please have child wear mask for 5 days post exposure. 


  • In the event you need to cancel your child's session with less than 24 hour notice due to COVID 19 Exposure, you will have the following options:
  • Switch the scheduled session to be delivered via teletherapy instead of coming into the clinic.
  • Reschedule the canceled session within 1-2 weeks after your child has completed quarantine.
  • Pay the Less than 24 hour Cancellation fee ($75/hour/therapist) for the missed session if unable to schedule a makeup session or switch the session to teletherapy.

  • In the event you need to cancel your child's session with less than 24 hour notice due to testing positive for COVID 19 , you will have the following options, however, there will be no fee if your child/family is unable to reschedule or switch to teletherapy
  • (Optional) Switch the scheduled session to be delivered via teletherapy instead of coming into the clinic.
  • (Optional) Reschedule the canceled session within 1-2 weeks after your child has completed quarantine.

  • In the event you need to cancel your child's session with less than 24 hour notice due to your child feeling ill , you will have the following options:
  • Switch the scheduled session to be delivered via teletherapy instead of coming into the clinic.
  • Reschedule the canceled session within 1-2 weeks after your child no longer has symptoms
  • Pay the Less than 24 hour Cancellation fee ($75/hour/therapist) for the missed session if unable to schedule a makeup session or switch the session to teletherapy.

We appreciate your assistance in the care of your children and all others at Sprouts. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing your child at the clinic!

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